What is the Purpose of the PrepSmartz App?
Prep Smartz helps you develop emergency response plans. This is useful if your home is exposed to:
- Hurricanes
- Flooding
- Wild fires
- Tornadoes
- Ice storms
- Snow storms
- Earthquakes
- Water boil orders
- House sequestration orders
- Civil disobedience
- Other emergency situations
What's Included in the App
It runs on Apple (Mac) and Windows operating systems.
The application includes 90 examples of emergency situations that you may want to address and over 300 examples of action items. When you assign action items to a situation, the application creates a standard operating procedure, or SOP. A good practice is printing your SOPs in storing them in a binder. All situations and action items can be (and should) easily tailored to meet your specific situations.
Both beginners and experienced emergency planners find it useful in preparing for emergency situations. It was developed for Apple and Windows computer operating systems.
How it works